This is an oldie but a goodie on my blog! I made this for the first time in 2020 and have made them multiple times since, adding some tweaks along the way. This is my new and improved recipe that will add a burst of vitamin C to your morning! I am NOT a doctor but I always make these when there is a bug going around to help boost our immune system and keep us feeling good. Does it work? Who knows. But it can’t hurt!
Ingredients (5-6 servings)
5-6 naval oranges, peeled
2 lemons, peeled
3-4 Tbsp fresh ginger, washed
2 Tbsp fresh turmeric, washed
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
1-2 Tbsp honey
1 fresh garlic clove (optional)
1 C water
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Run mixture through a fine mesh strainer or cheese cloth. Store the juice in a jar or air tight container in the refrigerator for 5-7 days to enjoy.